Having all the right essentials with you on your Disney park day is so important.   Visiting the parks many times throughout the years, I found that some things you just can’t risk not having with you.  Here is my list of park bag necessities.   I’ve added links for some of these items if you need to purchase them, but most items you probably already have.  I’ve also attached a printable packing list.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small payment if you purchase those items through my link.  Items are the same price as purchasing without using the link.


Rain Gear


So, you may see there is no rain predicted on the day you are going to the park, but anyone who lives in FL knows that storms blow in any day at any time and many are not predicted.  Often in FL, showers happen late afternoon and pass quickly.  But if you are in a theme park, you will wish you had some protection because the rain comes fast and hard!  We have used umbrellas, rain jackets and ponchos, but have found that we prefer the ponchos mostly because they fit right over your backpack.  Here are the ones we use – we got them in different colors for each family member.  They fold up pretty small and can be stuffed in the bottom of your pack.


Mini Umbrella

Alternatively, we have found that these mini umbrellas take up even less room, but do not provide the same amount of coverage.   The storms can be quite gusty so be forewarned.





This is a no brainer with the FL sun. We usually bring a spray can if the whole family will be using it, or the stick if we all pack individually.




External Battery


These days its impossible to visit the parks without using your phone.  Whether it is to check wait times, book Genie +, take pictures or check your emails, we can’t live without them.  Which means their charge never lasts the entire day in the parks.  Disney has installed charging stations in various locations throughout the parks, which helps, but having a portable charger to plug into can’t be beat.  I use this kind, but you may also want to consider purchasing Fuel Rod brand because Disney has FuelRod vending machines on site, where, once you have purchased one, you can return the used battery to the kiosk, and receive a freshly charged one with NO charge.  It even comes with the charging cord.




Water Bottle


So, this one to me is a necessity for our family.  I personally do not want to purchase Disanti water all day long (at $3.75) and you have to stay hydrated for your day in the park.  I use a filtered water bottle and just stop and ask for ice water every hour or so and fill it up.  Disney will give out free ice water at most food vendors and restaurants, and also has a few water bottle filling stations in each park.   I am not a fan of the FL water taste and this Britta bottle has worked wonderfully.  We purchased one in each color for family members.



Mini Fan (Optional)


This is of course optional depending on what time of year you are going to the parks, and how hot you usually get, but when we visit during the summer months, I need my fan.  I have this hand held Mickey one, which is adorable and it is very high powered, but I like to keep my hands free and prefer to pack this portable one that hangs around your neck while it is working.  



Stroller Fan


If you will be using a stroller, we found this fan was a necessity.  We clipped it onto the cover hanging down to keep the kids cool, but what’s nice is the blades are lightweight foam so even if children touch the fan, they will not be injured. 





Small First Aid Kit


While Disney does have a first aid center in each park, I find it beneficial to have a small case with pain reliever, Benadryl for allergies or reactions (we carry the chewable so adults or kids can take it)  and Band Aids.




Wallet and/or Phone Case


Everyone knows to pack their phone, but I included it in this list because I started using this case at the recommendation of my children’s pediatrician, and am very happy with it.  It carries my credit cards, ID, etc, but it is RFID protected as well as blocks radiation.  It clicks into the case magnetically, and you can apply a thin magnet to the back of the phone, and purchase an additional car holder.  This holder clips into any air vent, and the phone just clicks right onto it for easy navigation or for using speaker phone.  I highly recommend it.





Magic Band (Optional)


You now have the ability of linking your account right into your phone, so magic bands are no longer a necessity.  Also your apple watch can be used for entry and scan points, but there is something about wearing our magic bands that everyone loves.  Magic bands can still be used to make purchases, as room keys and to enter the park and ride lines (Lightning Lanes/Genie+/Virtual Queues).  We’ve had the same ones for years, each tailored to our specific interests.  Shop Disney only sells a few bands, but you can also purchase some on Amazon, as long as you are sure they are authentic from Disney Parks.  No matter where you purchase them, you can enter their unique serial number on the back into your Disney account and link to a guest. 

Need recommendations for park bags?  See my list of best backpacks for Disney trips.



Additional Items to Consider 




Hydration Tablets


I love these little discs that come in a small tube.  Each one can be dropped right into into your water bottle and it provides the same or more electrolytes than a Gatorade.  They are also sugar free and a great, portable alternative to Gatorade.



Autograph Book with Marker or Pen


If this is your first visit, this IS a necessity, but after several visits you can decide whether it is a priority. We always carried this with us when the kids were younger, and on our last trip we did not bring it thinking we had all the signatures already.  But little did we know we would see some unique characters, such as Vanellope Von Shweetz from Wreck It Ralph, and Joy from Inside Out.  We missed the opportunity to add their signatures to our book.  

Be sure to carry a larger sized pen as some of the characters have a hard time holding regular sized pens.




Additional Bag


You may be thinking another bag?  But hear me out.  This past year when we went into the parks, we decided to carry one larger backpack for the whole family.  We threw in these mini backpacks, which we have used for years.  Then, when the kids decided they wanted to buy souvenirs, they used these lightweight bags to carry their own items.  When not in use, they fit in the palm of your hand and are waterproof.  Definitely worth considering.



Hopefuly this list of packing items is helpful to you.  Additionally, here is a printable park bag packing list.  And if you need recommendations for Disney park bags, read my Best backpacks for Disney post. 


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