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Let’s face it, traveling with teens to Disney World is quite a bit different than traveling with youngsters.  And many of those differences are positive in my opinion.  Not only do they have the stamina to last much longer in the parks, but teens can contribute positively to the overall outcome of the vacation as well.  Here are some ways we have found that could help to get those teens just as enthused for a trip to Disney World as when they were little tykes.


  Get them involved in the planning.  

Have a gathering and have each family member choose one or two “must see or must-dos” for each park day and include them in your itinerary.  Make sure to accomplish every one of these even if other members are less than thrilled.


 Get them involved in packing. 

We have a printable packing list we use each trip.  A few weeks prior,  we print out the lists,  grab a clipboard and start planning.  We also use an area of the house as a pre-trip “staging area” to set aside items ahead of time as we think of them.  Often planning for the trip prompts the need for  a new item or outfit, or accessory, which can contribute to the vacation excitement and anticipation.


     Get them involved in documenting the vacation. 

I put together a Shutterfly memory book after every family trip. Now that my kids are older, they also take pictures on their phones or cameras and contribute to the memories.  Often these photos are from a different perspective or a different moment than I had captured and add great content.  Also, if this is not your first trip to Disney, try recreating some of the same pictures as an earlier visit.  It’s fun to see how much they’ve grown.


  Give them a budget. 

Sometimes we use Disney gift cards or cash, but we usually give our children a set allowance for the trip to be used any way they want.  They can purchase souvenirs before, during or after the trip.


  Ask them to put together a vacation playlist. 

My kids love music and creating playlists.  Certain songs remind them of past events and can make them think of exact moments in the past.  So creating a playlist of different music to commemorate the trip, may be another way to get them excited.  Try Spotify or Amazon Music.  We highly recommend purchasing a Spotify Gift Card from Amazon to avoid having to make monthly payments through the Spotify site or App.  The gift card is delivered immediately to your email address,  and you can choose $30 (for 3 months), or $60 (for 6 months).


 Add down-time to the itinerary.  

Even though they can handle a full day from “rope-drop” to closing, teens still can get overloaded.  I like to plan a mid vacation resort day or plan a late park entry after a fireworks night.  A late start can also prove beneficial when using the Genie + system.  See my article about using Genie + with a late park entry.


    Remember spontaneity. 

I am a planner, and always have our vacations planned down to the last detail, but over the years I have learned to be open to changes.  On our last trip to Epcot with our teens, we ended up crossing off nearly all our must-dos.  The kids decided they wanted to go out of the park for dinner.  So, we jumped on the monorail, went to the Polynesian and were able to get a table at Kona Cafe, where we had an amazing dinner.  Be sure to see my review of Kona Cafe.  We hung out on the beach and explored the resort before heading back to Epcot for the fireworks.  It was one of our favorite memories (and none of it was in my itinerary! haha) 


      Remember to not seek perfection. 

I had fallen into that trap early in my travel planning years, but have since lightened up.  While my planning has proved to provide a great peace of mind, and kept us organized with little time wasted, the important part to remember about our vacations is that we are a family and happy and blessed to be able to spend this time together……and in the happiest place on Earth!